Southern Leyte Delicacies

Ampaw in Pintuyan
On the other hand, in Pintuyan, one of the four municipalities of the Panaon Island – which is across Surigao, the delicacy they have is "ampaw", which is commonly called rice puff. It is made of rice mixed with syrup (sugar and water) and is dried under the sun, which makes it sweet and crispy. They have the best ‘ampaws’ in the province of Southern Leyte, selling the products to different places in the said province.

   Liliths Bocarillos, Located at Ibarra Maasin City So. Leyte                                              

  • 1 ½ cups of white sugar
  • 2 cups of grated coconut
  • ½ cup of evaporated milk
  • 2 large eggs (beaten)
  • 1 tablespoon of calamansi juice

Bibingka at Hanginan, Maasin City So. Leyte
The pilgrimage for St. Francis Xavier's image was indeed Holy and fulfilling.After that came the food trip, my most awaited part. Because we saw a lot of stores that sell this delicacy we just had to take a bite and witness its taste on your own....
Bibingka by the way is a rice cake composed of rice flour, sugar, and coconut milk. Some other recipe include topping it with shredded cheese and a slice of salted egg. It is baked over banana leaf (instead of parchment paper for cupcakes) which give its distinct flavor when fully cooked. Unlike most modern bakers, the Hanginan's version of bibingka is still baked on a 'Pugon' which is a small clay oven. This way of cooking maybe old and traditional, but I think it is still the best way to cook it.

''Budbud" and "Bingka" in Padre Burgos
In Southern Leyte are the ‘budbud’, a sticky rice delicacy cooked with coconut milk and wrapped in banana leaves then steamed; and bingka, a rice cake made with fire on its top and bottom. Both can be found in Padre Burgos, the second municipality from Maasin City to the Southeast.

"Banagan" in Silago
In Silago - the farthest municipality of the province - for instance, the delicacy they have the "banagan", a freshwater lobster that is abundant in their rivers, as their specialty. It is usually served when it is already orange in color, crisp, and fresh from the stove on special occasions such as barrio fiestas.

A delicacy from Malitbog, Southern Leyte, the filling was simply made of caramelized muscovado sugar.

"Tres Marias" in Ichon
One delicacy here in Southern Leyte that I love and pleased to eat is the so called “Tres Marias”, a rice delicacy or kakanin in which there is a unique flavor due too its very rare ingredient 


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